The Key To Longevity

Here’s food for thought for men wishing to extend their lifespan; say farewell to your crown jewels.  

A study published in Current Biology in 2012 into the lifespan of eighty-one Korean eunuchs born between 1556 and 1861 found that their lifespan was between 14.1 and 19.1 years longer than the lifespan of non-castrated males of similar socioeconomic status. A similar study conducted in Italy in 2014 found that the lifespan of castrated males was on average 13.5 years longer. Similar results were found amongst American men who were institutionalized in mental asylums and castrated.

The precise reason why this should be the case is unclear, other than the suspicion that male sex hormones decrease longevity, the presence of testosterone being linked to an increase risk of cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer.

It would take a lot of balls to take such a drastic step to increase one’s lifespan and as I rapidly approach my allotted three score and ten, I feel that I have rather missed the boat.

Makes you think, though!

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