Tag Archives: Electric vehicles

A Silent Killer?

While the pressure to change from petrol or diesel cars to hybrid or electric vehicles continue apace, a fascinating piece of research featured in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health provides another factor to piece into the decision-making process. Data from 32 billion miles of battery-powered car travel and 3 trillion mils of petrol and diesel vehicle trips in the UK suggest that mile-for-mile electric and hybrid vehicles are twice as likely to hit pedestrians as fossil-powered vehicles and three times more likely in urban settings.

Of course, the question is why. Electric vehicles are quieter so more difficult to hear, although since 2019 new models are required to have an acoustic vehicle alerting system that emits a sound when driven slowly, have faster acceleration and, as they are heavier, have longer stopping times. Perhaps driving an electric vehicle promotes a sense of well-being and oneness with the world that means the driver is oblivious to what is going on around them.

Makes you think.